Contact us!
Tel.: +36 30 945 9538
Email: tanusitas@mertcert.hu


We are an independent and private product and management system certification body accredited by NAH (Hungarian Accreditation Authority) providing auditing and certification of management systems in accordance with the requirements of  ISO 9001, 14001 and ISO 22000 standards (NAH accredited certificates).

We provide the following certification services as well:

  • Auditing and verification of HACCP systems (non-accredited verification certificates).
  • Participation in the auditing and certification of food safety systems (IFS, BRC, FSSC) with accredited partner DNV Magyarország Kft..
  • Certification of product compliance in different certification schemes:
  • Voluntary certification of food products for domestic and foreign markets;
  • Supervision and expertise of Hungarian languagge labels of domestic and imported food products in accordance with the Hungarian and EU laws.
Contact us!
Tel.: +36 30 945 9538
Email: tanusitas@mertcert.hu