Tel.: +36 30 768 2785
Waste Management
Among the environmental problems of Hungary, according to many experts and environmental politicians, the issue of waste management comes first. The proper management of not only hazardous waste but also municipal waste poses a serious task for the domestic environment protection.
High-level management of the problem is signaled, also by the fact that this area has been subject to independent regulation at the legislative level (with a number of related implementing regulations, of course).
There have been significant changes in the field of waste management in Hungary in recent years, mainly due to the harmonization of EU legislation, which impose a number of obligations on economic organizations (permits, registration, data supply, increasing utilization rates, analytical tests, etc.). In many cases, it is difficult for those concerned to interpret obligations and to meet them on time.
Our colleagues help to ensure that our clients' obligations are fulfilled on time and with their professional advice they contribute to the efficient operation of the organizational waste management systems.
Accordingly, upon request, we are available to perform the following tasks:
- classification of the waste according to the waste identification code
- development of waste collection systems
- waste record book
- waste management regulations
- operating rules for the hazardous waste collection point
- waste management authorization
- licensing waste shipments
- waste management plans
- HIR login (HIR = Waste Management Information System)
- KAR data provision (KAR = Environmental Basic Inventory System)
- annual waste reports (waste producers and operators)
- quarterly declarations (hazardous waste management)
- material balance preparation
- E-PRTR reporting (as part of the annual report)
- coordinating waste shipments, assisting in the selection of transport and handling organizations
- basic waste characterization and conformity testing
- accredited sampling and laboratory testing of waste
- tasks related to special waste (e.g. construction / demolition, electronics, batteries, packaging, waste oils, junk cars, bio-waste)
- expert work, legal and professional advice in the field of waste management
Tel.: +36 30 768 2785