Lubricants, emulsions
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Tel.: +36 30 768 2785

Lubricating oils, emulsions

A widespread component of preventive maintenance is regular monitoring of machine condition. Periodic analysis of the lubricating oil provides versatile information not only on the condition of the oil, but also on the condition of the machine, engine, components, and its wear. Without dismantling, timely detection of imminent failures, avoiding costly repairs and outages. By optimizing the oil reserves, the oil change can be pushed back to a later date and the useful life of the lubricant can be safely extended.

For our partners, we have developed an easy-to-use test package system for used lubricant that covers the most common application areas:

  • motor oils
  • gear oils
  • hydraulic fluids
  • turbine oils and control fluids
  • compressor oils
  • insulating oils
  • heat transfer oils, training oil
  • cutting oils
  • cooling-lubricating emulsions
Contact us!
Tel.: +36 30 768 2785